Ricardo Duarte Sampaio
Video Game Designer
My History
I’m Ricardo, a man who traveled acros the continent to pursuit a dream, craft amazing worlds and interactive experiences as a Game Designer.
Back in 2011, I graduated in Architecture and Urban Planning in Brazil. My most impressive skill was my insane creativity and problem solving skills. In addition, my vision and innovative mindset amazed my professors and clients. After six years working as an architect, I felt very limited on the physical space that the buildings were located. I needed to work with something that I could use my creativity to reach more people. In 2015 I got an opportunity to study development in Canada. That was my chance to finally work with games, I couldn’t deny this opportunity and, temporarily, left my family behind to follow my dream.
After one year and a half, my family finally came to Canada to join me, it was when I finished my Web and Mobile App Development course. I knew it wouldn’t make me a Game Developer, however I knew that would open doors for me to one of the areas that I could work on the game industry one day. At this time, I didn’t know about the Game Designer role. I always though that creators like Miyamoto and Kojima, were directors of the company so they created games because of that.
I did work with mobile applications for five years and learned a lot about the tech industry. How it is fast paced, the AGILE methods, team management, time management, team communication and organization, prototyping, and more. In 2018, reading articles about game creations, for the first time, I read about the role that would change my life forever: Game Designer. That sounds something I already knew, something that was the essense of my life. Then, I decided to learn more about it and decided to study.
In 2022, I had to do a surgery that would change my life forever. I would take a while to recover so, I decided to start a course in Game Design. I graduated with overall GPA of 4.0. I dedicated my time to learn the principles of game design and decided to start a small project with some friends to put it in practice. That’s when we started working on the prototype of Always Zap using Unity.
After finish the prototype of Always Zap, I participated in some Game Jams that challenged me to work under pressure and with small projects, where I could focus on my team management and Game Design skills. As result of this, I became a person who can solve problems faster and precisely. Also on how to design and update documentation super fast and very clear to the team.
In January 2024, I got a contract with a local company to help them reach the goal of releasing a version of their VR game on a tech fair, that was happening in town. We had 3 month to figure out problems with the game mechanics, how the VR game would interact with the Mobile Game (the game is a VR adventure where the mobile players have to create challenges for the VR player to overcome). In the end of the three months, the game was ready for the fair because of all the implementation of techniques and processes that I brought to the team. And I’m really proud of this achievement.
My Vision
I always dreamed that I could change the world with my creativiry. Now that I’m an adult and know how to control it, I want to use it to create something that I’m proud of. Something that can make people cry, laugh, have fun, join families and help them to have a better connection, where people could lern about life, how to overcome problems and become a better person. I know video games have this power to change people’s lives, and with no physical frontiers.
I believe that video games aren’t just a hobby like others. I know with this tool I can communicate with people and make their lives better. And that’s what gives me power to keep waking up and fighting every day.
Why Hire Me?
Other than my technical skills, I’m a very nice person to have in your team. I’m a person who loves life and who has a purpose for it. I believe that “Life has no sense if you don’t have a dream to pursuit”. I’m always the person who bring the team together, who creates a bond with everyone. I never engage in discussions and never had a problem with any of my coworkers. I a great listener and always give credit for people for their accomplishments. I’m a very organized and clean person.
I am looking for a team where I can use my incredible creativity and love for games to create immersive and great experiences. If you want me in your team, please contact me. I’ll be happy to be part of your family!